Sunday, September 22, 2013

Update September 22

Fellow Democrats,
The Texas Democratic Party will be hosting a fundraiser in Dallas County on Saturday September 28.
Fundraiser for the Texas Democratic Party 
with Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts 
& Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa
Saturday, September 28th 
at the Omni Dallas Hotel Trinity Ballroom One
555 South Lamar Dallas, TX 75202
Grassroots Reception 6:30 - 8:00 PM
The TDP is aggressively trying to help areas of Texas that have not been worked or ignored to become more competitive so that we can turn the state blue.  But it takes a lot of money to make this happen.  I hope you will consider joining us next Saturdayand/or becoming a Sustaining Member of the Party. Go to  to sign up as a Sustaining Member.
The next Dallas County Executive Committee Meeting will be held MondaySeptember 23rd, at 6:30 pm at the CWA hall.  At the meeting, you will be able to fill out an application for Precinct Chair. All existing Precinct Chairs will need to apply for the 2014 term. We have many Precinct Chair positions open in SD-16 also.  If you are interested, either of us would be happy to talk to you about serving as Precinct Chair. Precinct organization will be critical in 2014 to getting the vote out.
The next SDEC meeting will be held in Galveston on October 12.  Various rule changes have been proposed by the Rules Committee for consideration.   One important proposed rule change involves moving the Precinct Convention from the same day as the Primary to the date of the Senatorial Convention.  Another proposed rule change would allow Precinct Chairs to be appointed when the existing Precinct Chair has not been fulfilling his or her duties.  Several other proposed changes will be considered designed to revise our rules to comport with newly enacted state election laws.
In addition, we may be asked to vote on proposed resolutions to appear on the Democratic Primary Ballot in March.  Resolutions have been proposed dealing with a number of hot-button issues important to Texans such as:  marriage equality, global climate change, marijuana legislation, the Employment and Non-Discrimination Act, repeal of the death penalty, repeal of the Trans-vaginal Sonogram Law, affirm reproductive rights, legislation to deal with the effect of the Citizens United case, support for the Paycheck Fairness Act, opposition to Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking) and support for a living wage.

As always, we welcome your questions and input on these important upcoming matters. 
On another note, we are looking for candidates to run for office to the Texas State Legislature, if you or someone you know would make a great State Representative or State Senator, please let us know and we will be happy to speak to her/him and introduce them to others who may wish to help recruit them.  We are currently looking for candidates in HD 102, 113, 114 and 115, along with SD 16.  We cannot change the state unless Democrats run.  It is important to have candidates (and precinct chairs) to help drive up the vote for what will hopefully be Wendy Davis’ race for Governor.
Democratically yours,
Janice Schwarz and David Griggs

SD-16 Committee Representatives