Fellow Democrats,
This has been a great week for Democrats in the state of Texas. A three-judge Federal District Court panel in Washington, DC on Tuesday unanimously ruled that the lines drawn for US Congress and both houses of the state legislature violated the Voting Rights Act. Today another Federal District Court three-judge panel unanimously ruled that Texas Voter ID Law violates the Voting Rights Act. Let’s be grateful that the Obama Justice Department was there to fight the Republican discriminatory redistricting and the voter suppression that would take place if the Texas Voter ID law is enacted. Go to www.txredistricting.org for the most complete analysis of these important rulings.
We need to make sure to re-elect our President and add Democratic seats in Austin to ensure the voting rights of all Texans. Northern Dallas County is ground zero in the fight to make Texas blue.
1) Carol Kent Campaign for HD 114
Every Saturday Volunteer Block Walk
9:30 am – 1:00 pm
Every Sunday Volunteer Block Walk
12:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Meet at Kent Campaign HQ
Every Wednesday and Thursday, Volunteer Phone Bank
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Kent Campaign HQ
Meet at Kent Campaign HQ
7927 Forest Lane, Suite A2
Dallas, TX 75230
map link: http://goo.gl/maps/W2Nbi
RSVP: Contact Valorie @ 972-400-1210or Rebecca @ 210.885.0727 for all Kent Campaign events.
2) Rich Hancock Campaign for HD 102
Saturday: Walk with Rich Hancock and Katherine McGovern. Meet at Berkner High School 1600 East Spring Valley Road, Richardson, TX 75081 at 9:30 AM.
Sunday: Walk with Rich. Meet at RISD Academy (13630 Coit Rd., Dallas 75240) at 10:00 AM.
3) Robert Miklos Campaign for HD 107
Saturdays, 11:00 AM, Canvassing voters in the district (Garland, Mesquite, East Dallas, Lakewood) by knocking on doors. Meet at Robert's campaign office, 629 W. Centerville Road in Garland.
Sept. 5th, 6:30-8:30 pm, phone bank for Robert Miklos, Mary Warren's home: 4312 McKinney Avenue #16
Katherine Savers McGovern for Congress
Friday, August 31, 3:30- 7:30 PM - Phone bank to call Democrats in Katherine's district. This will be at the campaign office. Please bring your cell phone and charger.
Tuesday, September 4th, 5:00 PM -Grand Opening of Katherine's campaign office. Let's show Katherine and the press our appreciation and support for her candidacy. The office is located in Garland at 513 State Street, 75040.
Thursday, September 13th, 6:30-8:30PM - Phone bank calling Katherine’s supporters. At Mary Warren’s home, 4312 McKinney Ave. #16, Dallas 75205. Please bring your cell phone and charger.
Wednesday, September 19th, 6:30 PM -Candidates debate! We need a BIG crowd of Katherine's voters present to cheer her on and show the media that we are with her. This will be held at Katherine's campaign office.
Join us for one of the biggest Labor Day Parades in the nation.
Both the Garland Area Democratic Club and Katherine McGovern for Congressional Dist 32 will be in the 67thannual Garland Labor Parade. Sept 3rd 9 am start in downtown Garland. Parade line up and our float decoration starts at 7 am on Fifth Street (NOT Williams Stadium) by the Dart Station. You don't need to walk the parade - there's plenty of room for riders.
The GADC float’s parade # is 27. Katherine McGovern's float is 26
We've always had a lot of fun in the parade and it is a good opportunity to get out our Democratic Message and to support our candidates. Let us know if you can join us! RSVP Willa Kulhavy willabk@yahoo.com,972-495-9540h 972-467-4000 c Or Rachel Baker Ford MultiSMus@aol.com 972-530-6484 H 214-773-4004 C
Have you been watching the RNC? Did Clint Eastwood talking to an empty chair inspire you? Are you ready to re-elect our President?
Sept. 8th, 10 am to noon, phone bank for OFA, Mary Warren's home: 4312 McKinney Avenue #16
Sept. 12th, 6:00-8:00 pm, OFA phone bank, Mary Warren's home: 4312 McKinney Avenue #16
North Texas OFA is running phone banks from DCDP HQ at 4209 Parry Ave, at the corner of Parry Ave and Fletcher St. Please see below for shifts.
Monday - Friday
Shift 1 -- 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Shift 2 -- 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Shift 3 -- 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Shift 4 -- 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday
Shift 1 -- 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Shift 2 -- 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
We tend to have more volunteers in here on Monday and Thursday evenings, but anyone is welcome anytime. We also encourage volunteers to make one or more of these shifts a weekly routine.
Democratically yours,
Janice Schwarz and David Griggs
Political News of interest to Democrats in Texas Senatorial District 16
Friday, August 31, 2012
August 11 SDEC Meeting
August 11 SDEC Meeting Update
Fellow Democrats,
Please see below some of the highlights from our recent meeting in Fort Worth. It was good to see many of our SD-16 friends in attendance.
Committee Meetings – Janice attended the Finance, Grassroots and Campaign Committee meetings and David attended the Legislative, Fundraising and Communication Committee meetings.
Finance Committee – Susan Bankston, Democrats with Disabilities, was elected as the second Vice-Chair and Janice Schwarz was elected as Secretary. Our bills are paid and Expenses and Revenues are even. The Voter Empowerment Project is separate from the TDP budget and is raising money separately. The party has been in the black for the past six months. The Party has four fundraising events on the books, with a Jefferson-Jackson Dinner planned in Dallas on October 1 and possibly an October 15 Asian American Fundraiser in Dallas.
Grassroots Committee – The mission of the Grassroots Committee is to grow Texas Democratic activists, including helping state and local Democratic organizations position themselves. Shonda McRae will be handling youth outreach, including College clubs and field interns. The focus will be on where we can pick up seats. Susan Shelton is taking the role of being the editor for the Grassroots manual. Huey Rey Fisher will be handling the TDP website and putting together a statewide Democratic Club directory. Debra Angel Smith and Glen Maxey have volunteered to create a new club set up package.
Campaign Committee had met in Austin the week before. The Committee produced a six page report of recommendations. Needless to say – they are taking charge in being ready to win in 2014 and 2016.
Legislative Committee—David chairs this committee and invited Fort Worth State Rep. Lon Burnam to address the group at its first meeting. Lon challenged the committee to develop a sustained grassroots resistance to the GOP agenda, as well as to provide the more traditional support for the Democratic Caucus legislative priorities. The Committee discussed becoming more involved in advocacy and lobbying with the House Elections Committee, especially on election and voting rights matters, since our members have grassroots expertise in this area. The Committee also committed to help “market” our core party values as adopted in the TDP Platform to our legislators and our candidates.
Fundraising Committee—The mission of this committee is the same as the former “sustaining member” committee – to raise money for the general operations of the TDP through long-term sustained giving. The committee discussed several ways to increase participation in the TDP Sustaining Member program from individuals and groups. One new proposal is to create categories for Democratic clubs and organizations to participate.
Communications Committee– This is a new committee created by the Chairman this year and chaired by SD 8 Committeewoman Linda Magid. The group discussed numerous new ways (including electronic, social media, media campaigns) to improve our messaging to better communicate with the activist base of the party, as well as with the public. One major goal is to share our core values and reconnect with average Texans, who have been an important part of our traditional base.
We were fortunate enough to have a two hour presentation for the Latino Voter Engagement Symposium. The speakers were Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa, State Representative Armando Walle, TDP Director of Communications Rebecca Acuna, Democratic Strategist Chuck Rocha, and our next HD 75 State Representative/leader of the TDP Latino Voter Engagement Project, Mary Gonzalez. Rebecca presented an attainable targeted plan for empowering and engaging young Latino voters. You can watch it at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/mgonzalez-hd75. The TDP, through the Promesa Project, will have 10 Hispanic interns on college campuses to reach out to young Latinos and get them engaged.
After a break for lunch, we started the actual SDEC meeting. Candidates and elected officials introduced themselves. The biggest round of applause went to DNC member Sheriff Lupe Valdez. Fort Worth State Representative Lon Burnam spoke on behalf HDCC. He said that we can regain numerous seats in Dallas County. He introduced Senator Wendy Davis and noted that no race is more important in this cycle. In fact, the reason we met in Fort Worth was to focus on her race.
Senator Davis gave a stirring speech. Her story, a single Mom at age 19 going to community college and then graduating first in her class at TCU, would not have been possible today. Rick Perry’s Texas is not the same Texas of 20 years ago.
The Chairman once again spoke to the meeting about the hard work it is going to take to turn Texas blue.
We moved into the Committee reports. Steve Tillery, Chair of the Nominations Committee, announced the canvass was completed and read off the names of all of the winners of the Primary Runoff.
The Resolutions Committee brought the forth numerous resolutions that were left over from the convention. Resolutions passed included (paraphrasing here) 1) defeat any proposal to replace Defined Benefit with Defined Contribution Plans in the Public sector; 2) continue funding social security, Medicare and Medicaid even removing the salary cap to continue; 3) Texas to switch to public financing of campaigns, starting with any state wide judicial races; 4) Repeal the Texas sonogram bill; 5) Support of the Student Loan forgiveness act of 2012; 6) creation of a warning sign for water over a road hazard; 7) Support of the Affordable Care Act. A resolution concerning the presumption of equal parenting failed.
The Texas Democratic Party needs your support. Please consider becoming a sustaining member and help our party grow. You may easily sign up at the link below:
Democratically yours,
Janice Schwarz and David Griggs
Fellow Democrats,
Please see below some of the highlights from our recent meeting in Fort Worth. It was good to see many of our SD-16 friends in attendance.
Committee Meetings – Janice attended the Finance, Grassroots and Campaign Committee meetings and David attended the Legislative, Fundraising and Communication Committee meetings.
Finance Committee – Susan Bankston, Democrats with Disabilities, was elected as the second Vice-Chair and Janice Schwarz was elected as Secretary. Our bills are paid and Expenses and Revenues are even. The Voter Empowerment Project is separate from the TDP budget and is raising money separately. The party has been in the black for the past six months. The Party has four fundraising events on the books, with a Jefferson-Jackson Dinner planned in Dallas on October 1 and possibly an October 15 Asian American Fundraiser in Dallas.
Grassroots Committee – The mission of the Grassroots Committee is to grow Texas Democratic activists, including helping state and local Democratic organizations position themselves. Shonda McRae will be handling youth outreach, including College clubs and field interns. The focus will be on where we can pick up seats. Susan Shelton is taking the role of being the editor for the Grassroots manual. Huey Rey Fisher will be handling the TDP website and putting together a statewide Democratic Club directory. Debra Angel Smith and Glen Maxey have volunteered to create a new club set up package.
Campaign Committee had met in Austin the week before. The Committee produced a six page report of recommendations. Needless to say – they are taking charge in being ready to win in 2014 and 2016.
Legislative Committee—David chairs this committee and invited Fort Worth State Rep. Lon Burnam to address the group at its first meeting. Lon challenged the committee to develop a sustained grassroots resistance to the GOP agenda, as well as to provide the more traditional support for the Democratic Caucus legislative priorities. The Committee discussed becoming more involved in advocacy and lobbying with the House Elections Committee, especially on election and voting rights matters, since our members have grassroots expertise in this area. The Committee also committed to help “market” our core party values as adopted in the TDP Platform to our legislators and our candidates.
Fundraising Committee—The mission of this committee is the same as the former “sustaining member” committee – to raise money for the general operations of the TDP through long-term sustained giving. The committee discussed several ways to increase participation in the TDP Sustaining Member program from individuals and groups. One new proposal is to create categories for Democratic clubs and organizations to participate.
Communications Committee– This is a new committee created by the Chairman this year and chaired by SD 8 Committeewoman Linda Magid. The group discussed numerous new ways (including electronic, social media, media campaigns) to improve our messaging to better communicate with the activist base of the party, as well as with the public. One major goal is to share our core values and reconnect with average Texans, who have been an important part of our traditional base.
We were fortunate enough to have a two hour presentation for the Latino Voter Engagement Symposium. The speakers were Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa, State Representative Armando Walle, TDP Director of Communications Rebecca Acuna, Democratic Strategist Chuck Rocha, and our next HD 75 State Representative/leader of the TDP Latino Voter Engagement Project, Mary Gonzalez. Rebecca presented an attainable targeted plan for empowering and engaging young Latino voters. You can watch it at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/mgonzalez-hd75. The TDP, through the Promesa Project, will have 10 Hispanic interns on college campuses to reach out to young Latinos and get them engaged.
After a break for lunch, we started the actual SDEC meeting. Candidates and elected officials introduced themselves. The biggest round of applause went to DNC member Sheriff Lupe Valdez. Fort Worth State Representative Lon Burnam spoke on behalf HDCC. He said that we can regain numerous seats in Dallas County. He introduced Senator Wendy Davis and noted that no race is more important in this cycle. In fact, the reason we met in Fort Worth was to focus on her race.
Senator Davis gave a stirring speech. Her story, a single Mom at age 19 going to community college and then graduating first in her class at TCU, would not have been possible today. Rick Perry’s Texas is not the same Texas of 20 years ago.
The Chairman once again spoke to the meeting about the hard work it is going to take to turn Texas blue.
We moved into the Committee reports. Steve Tillery, Chair of the Nominations Committee, announced the canvass was completed and read off the names of all of the winners of the Primary Runoff.
The Resolutions Committee brought the forth numerous resolutions that were left over from the convention. Resolutions passed included (paraphrasing here) 1) defeat any proposal to replace Defined Benefit with Defined Contribution Plans in the Public sector; 2) continue funding social security, Medicare and Medicaid even removing the salary cap to continue; 3) Texas to switch to public financing of campaigns, starting with any state wide judicial races; 4) Repeal the Texas sonogram bill; 5) Support of the Student Loan forgiveness act of 2012; 6) creation of a warning sign for water over a road hazard; 7) Support of the Affordable Care Act. A resolution concerning the presumption of equal parenting failed.
The Texas Democratic Party needs your support. Please consider becoming a sustaining member and help our party grow. You may easily sign up at the link below:
Democratically yours,
Janice Schwarz and David Griggs
Friday, August 17, 2012
Upcoming Campaign Events/Volunteer Opportunities in SD-16
Let’s Re-Elect our President! Please see below for information on phone banks in our area. There are lots of phone banks on Saturday the 18th, the day of action.
Mary Warren is hosting a phone bank Saturday, the 18th, from 10am-12pm at her home: 4312 McKinney Avenue #16 75205. Here is the link for it on the campaign website: https://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/dayofaction/gs44q4
Erica Cole has one every Tuesday at 6:30 pm. The link for hers is https://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/phonebank/gs4lxy
A link to all upcoming phone banks in our area (40 miles from 75205) is https://my.barackobama.com/page/event/search_results?orderby=day&zip_radius[0]=75205&zip_radius[1]=40&country=US&radius_unit=mi
Do you wonder why our Texas is last in almost everything? It is because we keep electing Republicans to the State Office. Northern Dallas County is key is helping turn the state legislature blue. Here is how you can help.
1) Carol Kent for HD 114 Campaign
We are hosting a walk this Saturday and next Saturday (August 18 and August 25) starting at 9:30 am at the campaign headquarters (7927 Forest Lane, Suite A2, Dallas, TX 75230).
We also have phone banks every night of the work week, except for Fridays from 4:30 pm until 8:00 pm. Wednesday nights are our most active nights for this – so if folks had to pick a day, Wednesdays are super active and more lively, but we have people that come in whenever they can.
We also have a backpack drive coming up on August 22 from 6 pm to 7 pm at two separate locations in the district. Highlands Café (9661 Audelia Road #105 Dallas, TX 75238) and Paciugo Gelato (5915 Forest Ln # 320 Dallas.) Folks can come with a new, unused backpack and get a scoop of ice cream on us! This is the fourth time that Carol has done this. In addition to actually coming in to donate back packs, we could use one volunteer at the Paciugo location to help with processing back packs, greeting folks and wearing Carol swag.
Please contact kate@votecarolkent.com to RSVP.
2) Mary Clare Fabishak for HD 115 Campaign will be having organizing meetings for precinct chairs and activists in HD 115. There will be meeting at the Farmers Branch Library on 8/28 and at the Coppell Library on 9/13. They are from 7 to 8:15 p.m. The Coppell meeting is hosted by the Coppell Democrats and the host will be Michael Wetter.
3) Rich Hancock for HD 102 Campaign is having a voter registration event on Saturday August 18 from 10 am to 2 pm. Meet at TMobile 1332 S. Plano Road #114 in Richardson, 75081. Please contact arielle@richhancock.com if you have questions and to RSVP.
Let’s retire Pete Sessions! Join us on Saturday August 18 at 9:00 am as we continue to spread the word for McGovern in Garland. To energize our efforts we will have coffee & donuts, followed by canvassing at our Campaign Office at 513 State Street, Garland, Texas 75040. Even if you can’t canvas, come out on Saturday for a coffee, network with fellow activists and see our new campaign office!
RSVP to Sally Garcia, sally_garcia@yahoo.com
Reception for Candidates for Appellate Court On August 27, 2012 beginning at 5:00 pm at the Fairview Farms Corral Barn 3314 N. Central Expwy Plano (near the Parker Rd. exit) the 5th Dist. Ct of Appeals candidates will have their campaign kickoff meet and greet event with special guest Texas state Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa! It will be a lot of fun and we want our friends in the 6 county district to join us. In 2008 the appellate court candidates got nearly 48%. This race matters more than ever. Come join us.
Please let us know about upcoming volunteer opportunities. A separate e-mail will be sent soon regarding the recent SDEC meeting in Fort Worth. We apologize for the delay. It was great to see many SD -16 folks there.
Democratically yours,
Janice Schwarz and David Griggs
Let’s Re-Elect our President! Please see below for information on phone banks in our area. There are lots of phone banks on Saturday the 18th, the day of action.
Mary Warren is hosting a phone bank Saturday, the 18th, from 10am-12pm at her home: 4312 McKinney Avenue #16 75205. Here is the link for it on the campaign website: https://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/dayofaction/gs44q4
Erica Cole has one every Tuesday at 6:30 pm. The link for hers is https://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/phonebank/gs4lxy
A link to all upcoming phone banks in our area (40 miles from 75205) is https://my.barackobama.com/page/event/search_results?orderby=day&zip_radius[0]=75205&zip_radius[1]=40&country=US&radius_unit=mi
Do you wonder why our Texas is last in almost everything? It is because we keep electing Republicans to the State Office. Northern Dallas County is key is helping turn the state legislature blue. Here is how you can help.
1) Carol Kent for HD 114 Campaign
We are hosting a walk this Saturday and next Saturday (August 18 and August 25) starting at 9:30 am at the campaign headquarters (7927 Forest Lane, Suite A2, Dallas, TX 75230).
We also have phone banks every night of the work week, except for Fridays from 4:30 pm until 8:00 pm. Wednesday nights are our most active nights for this – so if folks had to pick a day, Wednesdays are super active and more lively, but we have people that come in whenever they can.
We also have a backpack drive coming up on August 22 from 6 pm to 7 pm at two separate locations in the district. Highlands Café (9661 Audelia Road #105 Dallas, TX 75238) and Paciugo Gelato (5915 Forest Ln # 320 Dallas.) Folks can come with a new, unused backpack and get a scoop of ice cream on us! This is the fourth time that Carol has done this. In addition to actually coming in to donate back packs, we could use one volunteer at the Paciugo location to help with processing back packs, greeting folks and wearing Carol swag.
Please contact kate@votecarolkent.com to RSVP.
2) Mary Clare Fabishak for HD 115 Campaign will be having organizing meetings for precinct chairs and activists in HD 115. There will be meeting at the Farmers Branch Library on 8/28 and at the Coppell Library on 9/13. They are from 7 to 8:15 p.m. The Coppell meeting is hosted by the Coppell Democrats and the host will be Michael Wetter.
3) Rich Hancock for HD 102 Campaign is having a voter registration event on Saturday August 18 from 10 am to 2 pm. Meet at TMobile 1332 S. Plano Road #114 in Richardson, 75081. Please contact arielle@richhancock.com if you have questions and to RSVP.
Let’s retire Pete Sessions! Join us on Saturday August 18 at 9:00 am as we continue to spread the word for McGovern in Garland. To energize our efforts we will have coffee & donuts, followed by canvassing at our Campaign Office at 513 State Street, Garland, Texas 75040. Even if you can’t canvas, come out on Saturday for a coffee, network with fellow activists and see our new campaign office!
RSVP to Sally Garcia, sally_garcia@yahoo.com
Reception for Candidates for Appellate Court On August 27, 2012 beginning at 5:00 pm at the Fairview Farms Corral Barn 3314 N. Central Expwy Plano (near the Parker Rd. exit) the 5th Dist. Ct of Appeals candidates will have their campaign kickoff meet and greet event with special guest Texas state Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa! It will be a lot of fun and we want our friends in the 6 county district to join us. In 2008 the appellate court candidates got nearly 48%. This race matters more than ever. Come join us.
Please let us know about upcoming volunteer opportunities. A separate e-mail will be sent soon regarding the recent SDEC meeting in Fort Worth. We apologize for the delay. It was great to see many SD -16 folks there.
Democratically yours,
Janice Schwarz and David Griggs
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Fellow Democrat,
Early vote will be here before you know it! Your help is critical in getting Democrats elected.
Please note the following volunteer opportunities/upcoming events in SD-16 that we have been informed about.
1) Tonight Thursday August 2 - Carol Kent Campaign Office Grand Opening. 6:00 – 8:00 PM. 7927 Forest Lane; NW corner of Central & Forest next to FedEx Office.
2) Saturday August 4 - Block walk for Carol Kent – candidate for Texas State House 114. 9:00 am – 1:00 pm - meet at Kent headquarters, 7927 Forest Lane; NW corner of Central & Forest next to FedEx Office. RSVP kate@votecarolkent.com.
3) Saturday August 4 and Sunday August 5 - Block walks for Katherine McGovern for Congress and Rich Hancock for State Representative HD 102. Meet at 9:30 am on Saturday at Akin Elementary School, 12300 Pleasant Valley Drive, Dallas 75243. RSVP arielle@richhancock.com. Meet at the same place on Sunday morning at 10:00 am.
4) Help Re-elect our President - sponsored by Marsha Fishman
Saturday, August 4 - Let's honor President's Obama's birthday by making calls! 9:30 - noon
Saturday, August 11 - Let's celebrate my husband's birthday by making calls for the President! 9:30 - noon
1285 Bradford Coppell 75019
RSVP: marsha4obama@tx.rr.com
5) This weekend we have the following house parties to support Mary Clare Fabishak for HD 115. Come and meet Mary Clare and discuss how to move forward for a better Texas. Feel free to drop in any time and stay as long as you’d like. RSVP appreciated. Please email info@maryclarefortexas.org or call 972-246-8671.
Deanna Edwards - Saturday, August 4, 4 pm - 8 pm
221 Willingham
Coppell, TX 75019
Greg and Cynthia Robinson - Sunday, August 5, 2 pm - 5 pm
4026 Crestpark Drive
Farmers Branch, TX 75224
6) Tuesday August 7 - Woman Up! – Fundraiser for the Dallas County Democratic Party. The party needs our support to get all of our candidates elected. Click below for details and to purchase tickets.
7) Saturday August 11. Chairman Hinojosa is taking the SDEC on the road! We will be meeting in Fort Worth at the Hilton Hotel. See
http://www.txdemocrats.org/2012/SDEC-Agenda-8-11-12.pdf for the meeting agenda. There will be a social event (cash bar) at Embargo (across the street from the hotel) on Friday August 10 starting at 7PM. Senator Wendy Davis is scheduled to speak at the SDEC meeting.
Please let us know about volunteer opportunities and events in SD-16 if you would like them included in our e-mail!
Democratically yours,
Janice Schwarz and David Griggs
Early vote will be here before you know it! Your help is critical in getting Democrats elected.
Please note the following volunteer opportunities/upcoming events in SD-16 that we have been informed about.
1) Tonight Thursday August 2 - Carol Kent Campaign Office Grand Opening. 6:00 – 8:00 PM. 7927 Forest Lane; NW corner of Central & Forest next to FedEx Office.
2) Saturday August 4 - Block walk for Carol Kent – candidate for Texas State House 114. 9:00 am – 1:00 pm - meet at Kent headquarters, 7927 Forest Lane; NW corner of Central & Forest next to FedEx Office. RSVP kate@votecarolkent.com.
3) Saturday August 4 and Sunday August 5 - Block walks for Katherine McGovern for Congress and Rich Hancock for State Representative HD 102. Meet at 9:30 am on Saturday at Akin Elementary School, 12300 Pleasant Valley Drive, Dallas 75243. RSVP arielle@richhancock.com. Meet at the same place on Sunday morning at 10:00 am.
4) Help Re-elect our President - sponsored by Marsha Fishman
Saturday, August 4 - Let's honor President's Obama's birthday by making calls! 9:30 - noon
Saturday, August 11 - Let's celebrate my husband's birthday by making calls for the President! 9:30 - noon
1285 Bradford Coppell 75019
RSVP: marsha4obama@tx.rr.com
5) This weekend we have the following house parties to support Mary Clare Fabishak for HD 115. Come and meet Mary Clare and discuss how to move forward for a better Texas. Feel free to drop in any time and stay as long as you’d like. RSVP appreciated. Please email info@maryclarefortexas.org or call 972-246-8671.
Deanna Edwards - Saturday, August 4, 4 pm - 8 pm
221 Willingham
Coppell, TX 75019
Greg and Cynthia Robinson - Sunday, August 5, 2 pm - 5 pm
4026 Crestpark Drive
Farmers Branch, TX 75224
6) Tuesday August 7 - Woman Up! – Fundraiser for the Dallas County Democratic Party. The party needs our support to get all of our candidates elected. Click below for details and to purchase tickets.
7) Saturday August 11. Chairman Hinojosa is taking the SDEC on the road! We will be meeting in Fort Worth at the Hilton Hotel. See
http://www.txdemocrats.org/2012/SDEC-Agenda-8-11-12.pdf for the meeting agenda. There will be a social event (cash bar) at Embargo (across the street from the hotel) on Friday August 10 starting at 7PM. Senator Wendy Davis is scheduled to speak at the SDEC meeting.
Please let us know about volunteer opportunities and events in SD-16 if you would like them included in our e-mail!
Democratically yours,
Janice Schwarz and David Griggs
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