Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dallas Morning News Letter to the Editor

I want others to be insured
Thank you justices Roberts, Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor and Breyer.

I'm glad that I won't be paying either higher taxes or doing with fewer county services. As a citizen of Dallas County, it is in my best interest that people in my county have health insurance. Otherwise, I am footing the bill when they arrive on Parkland's doorstep. Usually people without insurance don't show up until their illness is more advanced and therefore more expensive to treat.

I also want to thank you for helping control the cost of my health insurance. After all, medical costs have increased to make up for those who don't pay their medical bills. And now that the individual mandate has been determined to be constitutional, we should have many more people able to pay their medical bills.

Janice Schwarz, Far North Dallas

Monday, June 25, 2012

Please see the message below from Rita Beving:

Thank you all for your attention at the various meetings I've presented to this week and you willingness to help on Seaway.

See below for the flier for those who can call or write the Energy Resources Committee who is having a hearing tomorrow regarding pipeline safety and integrity, and other oil and gas issues. 

I'm sure most of you know this, but make sure you personalize your comments with where you live in relation to Seaway, and what your concerns are, including address.  The point of this hearing is for legislators to hear how regulations on pipelines, safety, process, etc. could be improved. 

If you want to use the points on the flyer, tweak the language so it doesn't sound like carbon copies of what I've got written here.  I know you all have probably guessed that's just good strategy, but thought I'd mention it as I already had someone take the entire flier almost verbatim and send it in that way without changing any verbage.

The Energy Resource meeting will be held at 9 am Tues in Capitol Extension -- E1.010. So it would be best if you could write comments to get in tomorrow or by Wed.  Public testimony is welcome and we think comments will be limited to 3 minutes.

If your email doesn't go through to a legislator the first time, call their office and let them know what you are trying to send.

After the hearing, Michelle Smith, a victim of the Enbridge spill, and I will then travel to the 391 meeting and to Dallas on Wednesday.  I am hoping to have a very casual sit down at La Madeleine's or somewhere quiet enough for people to meet her.  I am open to ideas if someone has some this am.  I am hoping to send out another email this morning in that regard.

Thanks, Rita Beving, 214.557.2271, Public Citizen N. Texas organizer

Natural Resources Hearing -

Tue. June 26 in Austin at 9 am, State Capitol Extension, E1.010

Email these Committee Members:
James Keffer- Chair (Dist. 60- Eastland) 512.463.0656 Myra Crownover - Vice Chair (Dist. 64- Denton) 512.463.0582

Stefani Carter - (Dist. 102- Dallas) 512.463.0454

Tom Craddick (Dist. 82 - Midland) 512.463.0500

John Davis (Dist. 129- Houston) 512.463.0734

Charles Howard (Dist. 26 - Sugar Land) 512.463.0710

Jose Manuel "JM" Lozano (Dist. 43 - Harlingen) 512.463.0463

Ralph Sheffield (Dist. 55 - Temple) 512.463.0630 Mark Strama (Dist. 50- Austin) 512.463.0821

Send an email to the above legislators asking that:
Full Disclosure of Tar Sand Composition - Companies should be required to disclose the composition of tar sands or dilbit crude since it is now deemed "proprietary" (not fully disclosed). The legislature voted in the last session to require that fracking fluid’s composition be disclosed, we need to do the same for tar sands.

Filing Emergency Plan before Operations - Any pipeline company doing business in the state of Texas should be requred to submit an emergency response plan before it starts operations, not after, so the state/ municipalites can ensure the plan is adequate

Consider Reclassifying Tar Sands - Due to the dilutent, higher toxic chemicals and heavy metal
content, a consideration to reclassify tar sands as hazardous waste needs to be evaluated.
Consider a Special Liability Bond for Tar Sands Crude - If companies want to transport hazardous tar sands crude through Texas, these entities should contribute substantially to an oil spill fund or a special liability bond should be established. TransCanada has now had 14 spills with it’snew Keystone I pipeline, and Enbridge has now had the most expensive tar sands spill in US history, costing more than $720 million. Enbridge’s own insurance company stated, when the spill was at $585 million, that it may not cover all the company’s costs

Push for New Standards on New Tar Sands Pipelines - Due to the higher rate of tar sands incidents and the fact that these pipelines now utilize only conventional crude standards when built, new standards requiring thicker pipe, better coating, and other considerations should be put in place to ensure pipeline integrity.

There is also a high incident rate with pumping stations associated with these operations. A closer look at pumping station standards should also be evaluated.Repurposed Pipelines Need to be Adequately Reassessed before Allowing Tar Sands Flow - Enbridge’s Seaway is a 36-year old pipeline repurposed for tar sands. These aging pipelines were not designed for pressures up to 1440 psi, running up to 158 degrees, with such abrasive, toxic material. As most older lines were designed for lower psi rates, a thorough line inspection needs to be done before a line is allowed
candidate for House District 114
we will walk precinct no. 2068 (formerly #2221) to reach out to our Democratic base
meet at the parking lot near Party City at Northwest Highway & Abrams at 9:30 am
10:00 is launch time
walk from approximately 10 am to approximately noon
return to parking lot for wrap up at end of walk
all materials are furnished
any questions, call Molly at 214.533.2073

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Please join me in supporting my dear friend Katherine McGovern in her race for CD 32

You are invited to
Friends of the Greater Dallas Progressive Community Event
Come Meet and Share Ideas with
Katherine Savers McGovern
Democratic Candidate for Congress
A Common Sense Texas Woman
Tuesday, June 26th    5:30 - 7:30 pm
Stoneleigh P Restaurant, 2926 Maple Ave., Dallas, TX 75201
Katherine is committed to represent all of the people of the NEW Congressional District 32.  Katherine will provide the citizens of the 32nd district the representation they deserve and put people over privilege.  Let's prioritize what's important and move forward together with Katherine Savers McGovern for Congress!

Click Here to Donate!
$30 - Soft drinks, snacks, cash bar & McGovern for Congress Sticker
$100 - All of the above & Complimentary bar
$250 - All the Above, a special "Defeat Pete" &  "Smiling Irish Eyes" Button!
$500 + = Event Sponsor
RSVP and for more information or 214-810-1935
McGovern for Congress Committee
P.O. Box 670913
Dallas, Texas 75367-0913
Paid Political Ad by McGovern for Congress Committee

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Thanks to all of you for your part in making the 2012 state convention a success! Whether or not you came to Houston last week, many of you helped in countless ways to help prepare the way for this historic meeting.

Speaking of history, this convention broke new ground in helping to make the current Texas Democratic Party the most progressive ever.  For example, the delegates voted to embrace marriage equality in its platform, making the TDP the first political party in the South to do so.  Other new progressive platform planks included opposition to the death penalty, support for the Dream Act, and support for decriminalization of marijuana. Traditional positions were strengthened, including a call for new initiatives to improve education and restore education funding, as well as new provisions to protect the environment and increase public safety.  All Texas Democrats can be proud of the work of the delegates, convention committee members, party leaders, and activists in our own district who contributed to this achievement.  For a quick review of the differences in the state Democratic and Republican platforms, please click on the line below.

Additionally, the delegates made history by electing the party’s first Hispanic state chairman, Judge Gilberto Hinojosa of Cameron County.

The Senate District 16 caucus met on Friday afternoon and elected delegates to the following committees which helped craft the course of the convention:

Al Daniels - Platform
Gordon Peterson - Resolutions
Pam Curry – Rules
Pauline Bourqui – At Large Nominations
Matt Andrade -- Party Nominations
Brian MacKay – Presidential elector

The caucus also voted to recommend David Griggs and Janice Schwarz as its committee representatives to the State Democratic Executive Committee (SDEC) for this term.

And finally, six national delegates were chosen for recommendation from our caucus:
Bob Franklin, Omar Navarez, Tariq Jafferey, Marsha Fishman, Lenna Webb, and Willacin Gholston.

The At-Large Nominations committee also voted to recommend Francine Ly and Juan Ayala from our senate district to be national delegates in Charlotte.

If you have feedback from state convention that you would like to share in helping us make the 2014 convention in Dallas the best ever, please click on the link below.

Thanks again to Susan Bradley and David Griggs for the many hours of work devoted to service as our delegation co-chairs, and a special thanks to Theresa Daniel and David Bradley for their many years of dedication and service on the SDEC on behalf of SD 16.

Democratically yours,

David Griggs, SD-16 Committeeman
Janice Schwarz, SD-16 Committeewoman

Saturday, June 16, 2012

If you are a precinct chair, precinct captain or an activist and have never been to a precinct organizing meeting, please join us Tuesday evening and learn from one of the best organizers in the County, Anthony Pace.  These neighborhood meetings are key to getting Democrats involved - in fact it was a precinct organizing meeting that got me started.

Democratic Social - Organizing our Precinct - 2051

Tuesday, June 19 at 7 pm
Paces home at 14939 Knollview Dr, Dallas 75248
Hope you all can make this fun and informative event in our neighborhood. 
J  Meet your Democratic Candidates for Congress (Katherine McGovern) & State Representative (Rich Hancock)
-  Discuss organizing ideas and local campaigns
-  Get better informed about the key issues and support for our President
-  Socialize with your progressive neighbors

Friday, June 15, 2012

The next Far North Dallas Democrats meeting will be on June 21 at 7:00 PM.  We will hear from Jack Ternan, candidate for Texas State Senate and share stories from State Convention.  We meet at Sonny Bryan's - private dining room in Richardson.  Stop by early for socializing and dinner.
The next SDEC meeting will be will be held on Saturday, July 14, 2012 on the Third Floor of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Building at 4818 E Ben White Blvd, Austin, TX 78741.

The initial agenda for the meeting can be downloaded from the TDP website at the link below.