Thursday, September 27, 2012

Are you FIRED UP and READY TO GO? Our Democratic Candidates need YOU!

Please see below for volunteer opportunities. It is only 39 days to Election Day! What gets candidates elected? Voter contact. Do you want to get Democrats elected? See below.

Feel free to forward this e-mail to fellow Democrats. Any volunteer opportunities should be submitted no later than Wednesday October 3 for inclusion in next week's e-mail.

Join us at the Katherine McGovern Campaign HQ on Friday from 5:30 to 8:30 PM to call unidentified women voters in Katherine's CD32. Her great fan, Edwin at Vetonis, has volunteered to provide pizza, and we'll have beer too, to make the calls more fun!! 513 W. State Street, Garland TX 75042. 972-272-4570


1. Block walk for Carol Kent for State Representative 114. Meet up at the campaign office of Carol Kent for State Representative. 7927 Forest Lane, Suite A2 Dallas, TX 75230. Map link: RSVP at The campaign has two shifts each Saturday, 10 AM to 2 PM or 2 PM to 6 PM.

2. Block walk for Robert Miklos for State Representative 107 – 11:00 am. Meet at Robert's campaign office, 629 W. Centerville Road in Garland. If you can't be there right at 11:00, call before coming to let them know your arrival time: 214-673-6669.

3. Block walk for Katherine McGovern 10 am - Canvassing in Rowlett with the Rowlett Democrats Club, Meet – Back Elementary School, 7300 Bluebonnet Dr, Rowlett, TX 75089, Map Link RSVP

4. Block walk for Rich Hancock for State Representative 102. Meet at Starbucks at the corner of Campbell Road and Coit Road at 10am and 1pm (2 shifts). RSVP or469-554-0102.

5. House party for Carol Kent – 2PM. 4425 Twin Post Road Dallas 75244. RSVP or 214-533-2073.
6. Carrollton phone bank for President Obama. 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Home of Valerie Smith, 2120 Nob Hill, Carrollton 75006. RSVP and for more information.

7. Coppell phone bank for President Obama – 9:00 AM to 12 noon. Home of Marsha Fishman. RSVP and for more information.


1. Celebrate Janice’s birthday as we phone bank for the President at her home – 6319 Hickory Hill, Dallas 75248. We start at 9:30 am and finish by 12:30. Please RSVP at tamsterbath@gmailcom or Bagels and cream cheese will be served.

2. Block walk for Rich Hancock, 10am and 1pm (2 shifts) at Starbucks at Coit and Campbell. RSVP to katie.louise.haley@gmail.comor 469-554-0102.

3. Block walk for Katherine McGovern 10 am -Canvassing in Rowlett with the Rowlett Democrats Club . Meet – Back Elementary School, 7300 Bluebonnet Dr, Rowlett, TX 75089, Map Link


1. Block walk for Rich Hancock – meet at Rich’s home, 203 Dover in Richardson at 4PM. RSVP to katie.louise.haley@gmail.comor 469-554-0102.


1. Block walk for Rich Hancock – meet at Rich’s home, 203 Dover in Richardson at 4PM. RSVP to katie.louise.haley@gmail.comor 469-554-0102.


1. The Dallas County Democratic Party and Organizing for America invite you to the First Presidential Debate Watch Party! Let's create the largest watch party in North Texas! Watch the first debate with hundreds of fellow Democrats! Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 6:30 p.m. Texas Black Academy of Arts& Letters - Main Auditorium, 650 South Griffin Street Dallas, TX 75202 (Southwest corner of Canton Street and S. Akard Street) Lot parking available on east side of Canton Street. RSVP is required to attend. Email your RSVP today,

2. Block walk for Rich Hancock – meet at Rich’s home, 203 Dover in Richardson at 4PM. RSVP to katie.louise.haley@gmail.comor 469-554-0102.
3. Phone bank for Carol Kent 5:00 – 8:00 PM. Carol Kent Campaign HQ. See above for address.


1. Phone bank for Carol Kent 5:00 – 8:00 PM. Carol Kent Campaign HQ. See above for address.

2. Block walk for Rich Hancock – meet at Rich’s home, 203 Dover in Richardson at 4PM. RSVP to katie.louise.haley@gmail.comor 469-554-0102.

Go to www.mybarackobama.comfor the latest and greatest volunteer opportunities in your area. In addition to neighborhood phone banks, see below for shifts at North Texas OFA HQ. North Texas OFA is running phone banks from DCDP HQ at 4209 Parry Ave, at the corner of Parry Ave and Fletcher St.

Monday- Friday

Shift 1 -- 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Shift 2 -- 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Shift 3 -- 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Shift 4 -- 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Saturday- Sunday

Shift 1 -- 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Shift 2 -- 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Mary Clare Fabishak for State Representative HD 115 - we continue to need volunteers to make phones, block walk, pass out fliers and yard signs, and sign up to be poll greeters at polling locations during the election. Please ask the volunteers to call either Beverly Wunderlin at 214-914-5896, or Nancy Wang at 214-448-7887, or email

Democratically yours,

Janice Schwarz and David Griggs

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Letter to the Editor in Today's DMN

The Dallas Morning News recommended Stefani Carter for state representative, but her record on fracking is troubling

Rep. Stefani Carter of District 102 (Julia Robinson)
Re: State representative recommendations, Thursday Editorials.
I was surprised to read The News recommendation of Stefani Carter for State Representative, especially when her co-sponsorship of a fracking bill was one of the reasons. The bill was described in the paper’s “Fact Check” on Aug. 6:
“Fact: Texas passed a law in 2011 requiring disclosure, but the Legislature left important loopholes. One, the law came into effect after tens of thousands of wells were fracked; the number being fracked now is small. The law is not retroactive. So the overwhelmingly majority of wells in North Texas will never have information disclosed. Two, the law does not require public notice of the use of fracking chemicals but only after the work is done. Three, the law allows drilling companies to keep some information secret as confidential business information.”
The paper failed to mention that Carter also supported HB3105, a measure that many say would make it easier for gas companies to sue cities that deny them permits. As the No. 1 freshman receiving money from the oil and gas lobby, she has never voted against their interests. Carter’s environmental record should been a major stumbling to an endorsement from The Dallas Morning News.
Janice Schwarz, Far North Dallas

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Precinct Chairs - You have a job to do!

Precinct Chair is the most important job in the Democratic Party.  If all of the Precinct Chairs did their job, we would be winning more elections.  We need to identify our voters and make sure they vote.  It is not about a title, it is about improving the DPI in your precinct.  Our candidates are counting on you.

The DCDP is there to help you.  It has a program for each Precinct Chair to identify voters and then help turn them out.  Yes, it is hard work.  Yes, it is what you signed up for. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fellow Democrats,

We are only 53 days out from Election Day.  39 days to Early Vote.   There are two things that campaigns never get enough of.  One is volunteers.  We need you and we need your like minded friends.  Our candidates need your help.   Please plan on working on Election Day.  If you are not working as an Election Judge or alternate judge, all campaigns need assistance on Election Day, canvassing, phone banking, poll greeting etc.

 Any volunteer opportunities should be submitted no later than Wednesday September 29 for inclusion in next week's e-mail. 
1.            7:00 pm - 8:15 pm -Meet Mary Clare Fabishak, candidate for State Representative HD 115.​ William T. Cozby Library, 177 N. Heartz Rd., Coppell,TX 75019.  Contact:Shawn Thompson, 972-304-9181 and Beverly Wunderlin, 214-914-5896 or email:     website:  Bring a friend!
2.            Katherine McGovern for Congress 5:45 pm - Mary Warren’s home, 4312 McKinney Avenue #16, to canvass her precinct.  We will be contacting folks between the Katy Trail and Central Expressway, and Knox and Fitzhugh.  We have mostly townhouse-style condos and apartments in our area, so you don't have to walk far between doors. We're doing it at a cooling-off time of day.  Bring a walking partner to make it even easier.  For those who prefer calling voters, we'll do that too.

1.             Megawalk - Hosted by Dallas County Democratic Party Coordinated Campaign and OFA.  9:30 AM meet up at the campaign office of Katherine McGovern for Congress 513 State Street, Garland 75040.  RSVP at
2.            Block walk for CarolKent Candidate for HD 114 – 9:30 AM Carol Kent Campaign HQ.  Forest Lane,Suite A2, Dallas, TX 75230 .
3.            Block walk for Robert Miklos for State Representative 107 – 11:00 AM Meet at Robert's campaign office, 629 W. Centerville Road in Garland. If you can't be there right at11:00, call before coming to let them know your arrival time: 214-673-6669.
4.            Block walk for Rich Hancock for State Representative 102 – 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.  Meet at 12:30PM at Corner Bakery in Addison, 5225 Belt Line Rd.  RSVP to or469-554-0102.
5.            Phone Bank for the President. 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM.  Val's Home (Valerie Smith) 2120 Nob HillCarrollton, TX 75006.   RSVP at
1.            Block walk for RichHancock - Sunday, 1-5.  Meet at 12:30 at El Pollo Regio at 12107 AbramsRd, 75080.  RSVP to katie.louise.haley@gmail.comor 469-554-0102.
2.            Block Walk for Carol Kent 1PM – Meet at Carol Kent Campaign HQ.  See above for address.
3.            12 Noon - Canvassing inRowlett with the Rowlett Democrats Club and Katherine McGovern.  Meeting Place – TBD in Rowlett. (Contact Jeff Sheldon for more details,
4.            House Party for CarolKent – 3PM at the home of Ann Hearn, 12635 Breckenridge, Dallas 75230. RSVP Molly Hanchey 214-553-2073.

1.             Dr. RosemaryRobbins for HD-105 4:30 - 8:00 PM, Volunteer Phone Bank at our campaign office-100 Decker Ct., Suite 290, Irving, TX 75062. Please let us know if you can't make this time, but would like to participate in a phone bank. We can makearrangements to accommodate other times and days, and we will have many more phone banks in the future.  If you are interested in volunteering or if you would like a yard sign, contact the campaign at (972) 665-8683 or e-mail us at

1.       Phone bank for President Obama at 6:30 PM. – Mary Warren’s home, 4312 McKinney Avenue #16.  RSVP at
1.            Katherine McGovern for Congress - 6:30 PM - Candidates debate! We need a BIG crowd of Katherine's voters present to cheer her on and show the media that we are with her. This will be held at Katherine's campaign office.  See above for address.
2.            Phone bank for Carol Kent 5:00 – 8:00 PM.  Carol Kent Campaign HQ.  See above for address.
1.            Robert Miklos for StateRepresentative Phone Bank 6:30 to 8:30 PM.  Mary Warren’s home. Please see above for address.
2.            Phone bank for thePresident and Far North Dallas (you choose) – 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at SonnyBryan’s Smokehouse 1251 West Campbell Road, Richardson in the Private Dining Room.  Stay after 7PM for the monthly Far North Dallas Democrats meeting.
Help our President get Re-elected.  Go to for the latest and greatest volunteer opportunities in your area.  In addition to neighborhood phonebanks, see below for shifts at North Texas OFA HQ.  North Texas OFA is running phone banks from DCDP HQ at 4209 Parry Ave, at the corner of Parry Ave and Fletcher St. 
Monday- Friday
Shift1 -- 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Shift2 -- 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Shift3 -- 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Shift4 -- 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday- Sunday
Shift1 -- 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Shift2 -- 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Democratically yours,
JaniceSchwarz and David Griggs