Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Letter to the Editor in Today's DMN

The Dallas Morning News recommended Stefani Carter for state representative, but her record on fracking is troubling

Rep. Stefani Carter of District 102 (Julia Robinson)
Re: State representative recommendations, Thursday Editorials.
I was surprised to read The News recommendation of Stefani Carter for State Representative, especially when her co-sponsorship of a fracking bill was one of the reasons. The bill was described in the paper’s “Fact Check” on Aug. 6:
“Fact: Texas passed a law in 2011 requiring disclosure, but the Legislature left important loopholes. One, the law came into effect after tens of thousands of wells were fracked; the number being fracked now is small. The law is not retroactive. So the overwhelmingly majority of wells in North Texas will never have information disclosed. Two, the law does not require public notice of the use of fracking chemicals but only after the work is done. Three, the law allows drilling companies to keep some information secret as confidential business information.”
The paper failed to mention that Carter also supported HB3105, a measure that many say would make it easier for gas companies to sue cities that deny them permits. As the No. 1 freshman receiving money from the oil and gas lobby, she has never voted against their interests. Carter’s environmental record should been a major stumbling to an endorsement from The Dallas Morning News.
Janice Schwarz, Far North Dallas

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