Saturday, October 20, 2012

Message from a Republican Woman who is voting for Carol Kent

Dear Friends,

I’m sending you this message because I feel very strongly about the current political race for the Texas State House, District 114. I’ve been voting Republican since I’ve been old enough to vote. Very often, I simply hit the “straight ticket” Republican in the voting booth.

When Texas Republicans voted in House Bill 15 in the spring 2011, I was horrified and disgusted. This bill -- written by conservative legislators with no medical degrees-- forces women to undergo trans-vaginal sonograms before choosing to end a pregnancy. This issue is not about abortion for me. This issue frightens me as a women’s rights issue. As most of you know, trans-vaginal sonograms are invasive, and there is no medical reason to perform them related to the termination of pregnancy.

A group of very powerful and very conservative Republicans in the Texas House are diminishing women’s rights. There are now only 33 women serving in the Texas House. Very many of the conservatives that passed HB 15 are still serving, and there are no plans to repeal it. Start considering the reversal of women’s rights if there aren’t enough women representing women.

I encourage you to join me in voting for Carol Kent in the upcoming election for House District 114. Carol has served in the Texas House previously. Carol is a strong advocate for school reform and will work to repeal HB 15. 
If you normally vote Democrat, please get the word out about Carol Kent and VOTE!

If you normally vote Republican, please consider the ramifications of HB 15 and the minority status of women in the Texas House. Join me and reconsider your “straight ticket” vote and vote for Carol Kent.

Please feel free to pass along this message to anyone living in House District 114. For a map of the District see my attachment or look here:

I’ve also included a message from Carol Kent below this email.
Many thanks for your time!
Have a good weekend,
Rachel S.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Carol Kent <>
 Subject: It’s between us and our doctors

Carol Kent

Dear Friends,

I strongly believe that women should be able to make personal decisions about their own health care. Like many of us, I watched in disbelief during the last session as politicians tried to wedge themselves between our health care choices and the decisions we make with our doctors, our families, and our faiths.

Rick Perry and his followers in Austin cut funding for vital mammograms and cancer screenings for thousands of Texas women. These politicians are forcing women to go through invasive and unnecessary transvaginal sonograms before choosing safe and legal procedures to end pregnancies. They are rolling back the calendar on our rights.
Women have never needed to turn to politicians for health advice - cancer screenings, prenatal care, or family planning. Politicians should not get between a woman and her personal medical decisions.
My opponent doesn’t want women and their families in District 114 to know that he is a leader in Rick Perry’s attack on women’s health. He wants to expand the transvaginal sonogram law and even opposes stem cell research.
But with your help, we can ensure the women in our district know the truth, and more importantly know that I will be fighting for them and their families. Will you contribute $50 or more to help me?
This race is going to be tight. Together, we can push back against this extreme faction and elect representatives who will protect our right to make our own health care decisions.
Thank you for all that you continue to do.

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