Sunday, January 27, 2013

DC Bus Trip to Rally Against Tar Sands Pipeline

Please respond directly to Rita Beving if interested.

From: Rita Beving <>
Sent: Sun, January 27, 2013 3:45:59 PM
Subject: IMPORTANT: Want to go to DC and tell the Pres- no more tar sands?
Dear All,
As many of you know, I work the tar sands issue on Keystone and the Seaway tar sands pipelines with a variety of groups. There is a possibility that we will be organizing a bus to leave from Dallas and Austin to go to the Sun. Feb. 17th rally against the Keystone Pipeline, leaving on Thur. or Friday before the event. There has been an offer of this trip partially underwritten by Sierra/

This is billed to be the LARGEST tar sands/eco rally ever to get Obama to deny the northern segment of Keystone, and send a message if he is serious about the environment and climate change as noted in his inaugural speech. This may also be our opportunity to tell the Texas legislature that we don't like Keystone, that we want the Seaway's tar sands pipeline twinning stopped, and we need TX legislators to protect us with new laws on tar sands pipelines.

Please respond ASAP if you are remotely interested, as it will be interest that determines if this bus even happens. I need to tell the national groups holding this money in the next 72 hours if we have interest while we try and get logistics, etc.

If you respond-- this is not a commitment, but we need to know if folks want to/have the time to go. Know that if you go, that you will need to miss work at least Friday, Feb. 15 and Monday, Feb. 18.

We will figure out departures, etc. based on the response, and people's availability. We will also see if there is time to do something fun in DC aside from the rally.

This is all in the planning process, but here are two options as I need to price this bus early tomorrow (Mon) am.

A) We may originate in Dallas, stop in Austin for a press event to support our Texas landowners, pick up a few more folks, and continue onto DC. People from all over the state are welcome to join us on this bus trip-- we will need to work out the logistics.

B) Additionally, if there is the time to stop in East Texas on the way to DC, I will also check out that possibility... and conversely, if there is only interest from North Texas, we may work out a trip directly from the DFW area with a press hit on Seaway before we depart.

Thanks, and start getting back to me as soon as you see it. Forward it to your friends, colleagues, other orgs, etc. who may have folks who may want to join us.


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