Monday, January 14, 2013

National Day of Service and SDEC Update

National Day of Service is this Saturday January 19. Please see below for opportunities to get involved!

1)    Last year Metrocrest Democrats collected jars of peanut butter for the Metrocrest Food Bank. It was such a success they are doing it again.  Please ask everyone you know for a jar of peanut butter - drop it off at one of the 3 locations noted below between now and January 18. There is no need to call first, there will be a box or bag on the porch for you to place the peanut butter in. Let us know if you would like to help deliver it on the 19th. Drop-off locations: Val Smith 2120 Nob Hill, Carrollton; Greg Robinson 4026 Crestpark, Farmers Branch and Marsha Fishman 1275 Bradford, Coppell 75019. Contact - Marsha Fishman,


2)    In 2011, the Preston Hollow Democrats, working with the Preston Royal Library Friends, completed the update of the landscaping on the front and west side of the Preston Royal Library. Once again Preston Hollow Democrats will help clean-up the leaves and such around the front of the library. Coffee and light snacks will be served. Bring your own rake or similar gardening tool. PRESTON ROYAL LIBRARY is located on Royal Lane, West of Tollway in Dallas.  We will be working from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Now it's time for Spring clean-up. See you on Saturday, January 19th!

Contact – Katherine McGovern,

3)    Saturday Night Live at AIDS Interfaith Network (National Day of Service – Health) We will join the DFW Sisters in sponsoring a meal, goodie bags, and entertainment for approximately 40 clients of Dallas' AIDS Interfaith Network. You can volunteer by providing potluck items, paper plates, plastic utensils, napkins, socks, underwear, cold-weather gloves and hats, and/or toiletries. We also need 6 people to help set up, serve the meal, entertain, and clean up. Mary Warren is organizing this event.  Go to to sign up. The event will be taking place from 3:00 to 7:00 pm.


4)     Upgrading Trails at Cedar Ridge Preserve

Please join the Dallas Sierra Club, Audobon and other friends of the environment for a National Day of Service Outing at the Cedar Ridge Preserve in Dallas to help upgrade some of the beautiful walking trails. The address is 7171 Mountain Creek Pkwy, Dallas, TX 75249. Its a great morning workout, and the scenery is exceptional. No tools are required, (maybe gloves) just show up and be ready to lend a hand or two. We'll work from 9 AM to 12 or so, and then walk around the preserve and admire the wildflowers and fauna! Bring some water for sure. Its on Saturday the 19th of January, 2013! Please see their website at for directions and info. Their number is 972-709-7784 See you then! If you wish to carpool, then let me know, and we'll arrange a meeting spot. Start your new year right and stay green, people! Trip rated: Easy. Organizer: Ginger Bradley of Sierra Club. Send Email 469-223-7902


SDEC Update


As you know, the 83rd Texas Legislative Session started last week. The SDEC Legislative Committee, which David chairs, with the help and support of the TDP staff, will be monitoring the filing of bills in the next few weeks. As in the past, the Legislative Committee will recommend positions for and against certain legislation to the full SDEC for approval. The Party staff will be specifically monitoring legislation that affects candidates, election processes, and matters that impact Party affairs and governance. However, the committee will also be looking at other important bills dealing with issues which impact positions taken in our Platform. We are seeking your input on specific legislation or issues which need to be addressed about which you may have knowledge. Because of the short time frame for filing bills, please send in your comments soon to one of us so that your input can be shared with the Party staff who can in turn share with potential legislative sponsors.


David also serves on the "TDP Task Force for Common Sense About Gun Violence." He is the only SDEC member on the task force, which is composed of experts from law enforcement and gun groups, as well as Democratic elected officials from across the state. The task force had its first meeting in Austin last week, and will be meeting again at the end of the month. The purpose of the ad hoc group is to develop messaging for the Party to counter the GOP reaction with a comprehensive, common sense approach to the horrific events in Connecticut. The task force will also make recommendations for legislative solutions. If you have suggestions or ideas which you wish to be considered by the task force, please let us know.


As you know, there is no such thing as campaign season being over.  The work continues, even during odd numbered years.  Janice serves on the Campaign Committee which will be meeting on Saturday January 26.  The meeting will focus on minority outreach and candidate recruitment.  If you have ideas on either topic that you would like shared with the TDP, please respond back to us.


If you are planning to make the trip over to Washington, D.C., tickets are still available for the Inaugural Ball and other official events. Below is the link that includes all available tickets and RSVP information.

Democratically yours,

Janice Schwarz and David Griggs

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